We’re here to work on very big things.
Our Community is Here to Support You
You are the only one who can take a step on your path, and you don’t have to do it alone. Just like a woman giving birth, nobody can push the baby out for her AND being surrounded by a team of midwives, doulas and loved ones can make all the difference. This metaphor of birth is so powerful. While this is not a birthing practice per say, it is. The birthing of YOU.
Let’s Venture Into the Unknown Together
Learning to Meet the Moment with Presence
We are here to support you through all phases and seasons of literal and metaphorical life and death. We are here to support you in meeting these intense moments with ease, grace, respect and deep honoring. We are here to witness you as you discover and delight in your essence over and over. We are here to honor and celebrate you as you claim and embody the Truth of who you are, moment to moment.
Embrace Whatever is Emerging
Breathing Out
With life comes death, the other side of the same coin. Our team is here to support you in laying to rest parts of yourself that are ready to die, honoring them, thanking them and allowing so much space for both grief and gratitude.
Breathing In
We are also here to support you as you discover and give birth to yourself over and over again. Making space for the wonder, the magic and the mystery of the Truth of who you are.
Discover and Delight in Your Essence
A Space for Reconnection
We are committed to creating as many opportunities for spark, that sudden knowing and expanded awareness to emerge. We create space for new connections to be made between neurons in your brain, for fragmented parts of your Spirit to come back together, and for unintegrated body parts to connect back to the larger body.
Embracing the Unknown
Our community is here to support you as you move through that challenging phase of transition when you have exited the comforts of the womb and are “seemingly” stuck in the birth canal, the great unknown. Knowing you can never go back and not sure if you’ll make it to whatever awaits you on the other side. We are a team of midwives and doulas disguised as various practitioners, each with unique gifts and tools to support you in emerging over and over again.
Becoming the Truth of Who YOU Are
It can be easy to be dazzled and distracted by all the modalities we offer, and while it’s pretty cool we have such a wide range of experts, ultimately this is about YOU coming into deeper knowing, flow, and personal power. The modalities are simply different tools and doors to arrive at the same place, the magnificence and Truth that is you in this moment.
Connect with Our Community
We provide different access points to yourself through various modalities and practitioners. Together we will build a team of integrated support to walk with you through this phase of life. We invite you to deepen into YOU through and with us.
Our practitioners honor the magic in the unseen
Our community is an accelerated portal of emergence and expanded embodied consciousness.
While each practitioner has an approach and tools they leverage, the space between you and that practitioner has never been created before. It is this unique space that is special and magic. Our practitioners honor the unseen, have great reverence for the uniqueness that is YOU, and remain open to the discovery that will be made together. We embrace that we do not know, and it is this very reverence and curiosity in the unknown that makes such profound insights possible.
It’s Time to Remember
It is in the unseen, the indescribably, and the energetic exchanges that create spark, awareness, and expanded consciousness. It is these connections and the container we create that unlocks possibility and potential. As Joseph Campbell says, when we come together doors open where once there were only walls.
Our practitioners are committed to their own Rooted Expansion and deep work, always creating greater capacity to hold you as you grow. We truly grow together.
Are You Ready?
Free 30-Minute Discovery Session
Are you ready to explore your Rooted Expansion? Schedule a discovery session with our village guide. We are here, and ready to get to know you. Our role is to match you with practitioners in the Rooted Expansion community most aligned with your personalized goals. In this 30 minute call, you will meet with our village guide, have a conversation about what brings you to Rooted Expansion, and explore the next steps in your healing journey.