Everything is available right now, right here.
Tune into Your Level of Readiness
Each Rooted Expansion package is intentionally crafted to guide you on an exploratory journey into SELF based on your intentions, goals, desires, and needs. The offering you choose will determine how many practitioners you work with and in what capacity.

We Will Meet You Where You Are
While each package leverages a carefully curated set of tools & modalities, the experience ultimately emerges through YOU. You are the canvas, the painter and the painting; the practitioner(s) hold the container for the masterpiece that is you to unfold and are skilled at facilitating the emergence of the artist. The packages are organized in a way that allows you to opt into your level of readiness to do this work (i.e. go into Self). Every package is accessible so long as you feel aligned, ready, and willing to trust in the process and our community of practitioners. We invite you to tune in to your heart, connect with your truest intentions and honor your level of readiness for this work.
Holistic Programs for Self-Growth
Rooted Expansion offers holistic healing and exploratory programs designed to meet your level of readiness and desire to engage. Offerings may include a combination of modalities including but not limited to Coaching, Body Work, Breath Work, Astrology, and Sound Healing. We invite you to begin or continue your journey into SELF by selecting one of our many offerings.
Each offering provides an access point into yourSELF. The combination of YOU, the modality, and practitioner opens a door into YOU.
Listen. What is Calling You?
Each practitioner and modality provides an opportunity for a new connection and relationship to SELF creating greater possibility for awareness and discovery, and therefore conscious creation & choice!
Come Home to Yourself
We know from experience that when we come home to ourselves, anything is possible, because the center of ourselves is the center of all things. When we are at the center of ourselves we find Truth, Freedom, Peace, and Choice. Our intention is to support you in coming into greater wholeness so that you can continue to Become who you came here to be in this moment.

Walk Through New Doors As They Appear
Everything we offer, quite simply, are different doorways (i.e. access points) into yourSelf. While it’s pretty cool we offer so many modalities, packages & programs, remember the point of it all is to Root & Expand into YOU. All paths lead back to Self. The key is to start the journey, enjoy the path you’re on, and keep walking until you reach that point of completion, of returning home to yourSelf, to the beginning with a new perspective. We are here to accompany you on this magnificent journey.
Explore New Ways to Engage in the Discovery of SELF

1:1 Support
Together we intuitively match you with the right practitioner(s) to support you on your unique path of evolution and transformation. We provide a sacred space just for you to be seen, felt, and heard. We offer a variety of holistic healing services, such as life coaching, body work, astrology, breath work, sound healing and more in a multi-practitioner style.
Group Work
We offer a variety of group experiences, both in person and virtually, focused on creating safety, deepening connection, and building space for raw vulnerability and truth to emerge. Our group work creates space for transcendent and transpersonal wisdom to arise in the powerful container of group, a place were we are able to access parts of ourselves that we could not alone.

Self Paced
We offer a variety of self paced content, including courses, audio offerings, and more. Check out our free and paid resources to deepen your learning at your own pace.
Are You Ready?
Free 30-Minute Discovery Session
Are you ready to explore your Rooted Expansion? Schedule a discovery session with our village guide. We are here, and ready to get to know you. Our role is to match you with practitioners in the Rooted Expansion community most aligned with your personalized goals. In this 30 minute call, you will meet with our village guide, have a conversation about what brings you to Rooted Expansion, and explore the next steps in your healing journey.