Nature Medicine Walks

What are Nature Medicine Walks?

A deep Nature Medicine Walk is a sacred day in nature that allows you to slow down, tune your attention, and shift awareness to hear subtle messages that can guide and awaken you. When done full-heartedly, this is a powerful experience of gnosis and inter-being that reveals and heals.

There is another way of knowing that is different from the civilized, rational, brain-centered way; it is subtle, trans-rational, gut and heart-centered. It can hear the quiet communication from the deepest parts of ourselves and from the wonder and mystery that is everywhere around us. The subtle field of intelligence in nature is a mirror to our own. Remembering and cultivating this way of knowing makes us more fully human, more fully alive, and wiser. It is your birthright!

A Medicine Walk is for anyone who is interested in psychological and spiritual/energetic health and development. It supports burnout, life transitions, depression, anxiety, grief, and loss; and offers vision, clarity, and greater creativity.

What does a Nature Medicine Walk Look Like?

Rooted Expansion practitioners facilitate deep nature Medicine Walks virtually and in person. The process consists of: 60-minute orientation and preparation call, solo walk in nature near you, 60-minute integration call consisting of a story-telling ceremony, where you will speak the story of your day and will hear your story mirrored back to you.

May you experience the medicine of Nature.
May you listen deeply and receive the answers that await you.