I booked a session with Taylor because I was having complications after a traumatic birth, including irregular periods with lots of cramping, persistent pain and an energy block in my second chakra that seemed more energetic/emotional in nature than physical.
I arrived with some anxiety since I’ve never done anything like this before. I felt pretty comfortable with Taylor though. We chatted for a bit about my son’s birth and Taylor’s process then I laid down. I worked on relaxing into a trance state, opening up, and breathing through my heart. I was surprised by how clearly I could feel Taylor scanning and working on various spots. She then moved to my sacral chakra and I could feel her working there. It felt like it was being swept out, a quick flowing motion. Mentally, I joined in with that work and felt like we were doing it together. She started working with my womb. Energetically it felt like my womb was lifted up, and I felt a lot of unraveling, like unwinding a long bandage, or many strings. She told me she had a message come through: “Feel into your love for your child; he knows you’re a great mom.” I started crying, and let myself feel and let go of some of the grief I’ve been holding for not being there with him when he was born, and having to be separated from him so quickly. And I held my baby in my mind’s eye and told him I loved him.
It felt like my womb was down to the sutures (the energetic imprint of them, from my traumatic birth when I had to get stitched up), wrapping around and through my whole uterus to try to stop the bleeding. In my mind’s eye, I took a pair of sharp scissors and snipped each set of sutures. Taylor whispered “great” as I did this and I could feel her pulling the strings, too. The suture furthers to the left was the most stubborn, and took a lot of pulling. The sutures had slipped down below my womb, so we worked on getting them out and away. Through this process I could feel Taylor working, often responding to what I was doing with a sound, or by leaning into me. It felt like we were working together.
After the sutures were cleared, I had a vision of a samurai falling to his knees to perform seppuku, but it was as if it were in rewind, and he pulled a knife out of his heart, and also a sword out of his abdomen. As this happened, my own abdomen healed in its wake (possible past life memory). I then felt like I was just supposed to relax back into my body and let myself feel the sensations as Taylor did her work. I could feel the energy flowing through my body again. It still moved slowly through the 2nd chakra, but it was able to flow again.
Soon after our session, I started spotting and a few days later started my period (I got it early), which was the first period since my son’s birth that I didn’t experience painful cramps. For the last four months since our session my periods have been predictable and less painful (new to me). I also have noticed a significant decrease in the persistent pain, and the energy blockage I had been experiencing has gradually improved since our session. I know for sure that Taylor’s work sped up my healing process and helped unravel the energetic blocks I was experiencing, helping relieve the energetic source of my persistent daily & menstrual pain.
Somatic Channeling Self-Work Session with Taylor
Session Length: 60 Minutes
Everyone has the ability to unlock their body’s innate healing wisdom. Through somatic experiencing and guided meditation, Taylor shows others how to perceive and palpably sense their own energy field, as well as tap into intuited, simple movement for the purposes of unwinding and releasing deeply stored trauma and unprocessed emotion. This is called Level 1 Somatic Channeling - a deep, sacred healing modality anyone can access.
Cost: $190
Meet the Practitioner
December 2023